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For information related to St. Andrews Lodge No. 212, F&AM
Please go to our facebook page at St. Andrews Lodge No. 212 on fb
Brethren, Nomination forms for 2024 Lodge Officers have been emailed to all members of St. Andrews Lodge. Nominations are due to the Lodge Secretary prior to the opening of our Stated Communication on Thursday, November 2nd.
Stated Communications are 1st and 3rd Thursdays @ 7:00PM (Next One is November 2nd). Supper will be served at 6:00 PM. Brethren, the Worshipful Master requests your attendance, to support the Fraternity, Your Officers, Your Lodge, Your Brothers and Masonry in general.
Zone School of Instruction - Open Books is held the 1st Wednesday of every month (Next One is November 1st) at the Panama City Scottish Rite Center, 1332 Fortune Ave. Panama City, FL 32401.
If anyone has a request or a notification for other Lodges in the area, or a request to place it on our "TRESTLEBOARD" please click on the
Envelope below and we will be glad to post it.