September-December 2019

Coming Events

Sept 9 7:00 pm KCCH Meeting
Sept 13 & 14 Fall Reunion
Sept 27 6:00 pm KSA & Executive Committee
Sept 27 6:30 pm Dinner
Sept 27 7:00 pm Feast of Tishri
Sept 27 7:30 pm Ladies Association
Sept 27 7:30 pm

Regular Meeting
Election Temple Inc.

Oct 25 6:00 pm KSA & Executive Committee
Oct 25 6:30 pm Dinner
Oct 25 7:30 pm Ladies Association
Oct 25 7:30 pm Regular Meeting
Nov 8 6:30 pm KSA & Executive Committee
Nov 8 7:30 pm Regular Meeting
Election of Officers
Nov 11 7:00 pm KCCH Meeting
Dec 13 6:30 pm KSA & Executive Committee
Dec 13 7:30 pm Regular Meeting
Installation of Officers


The Fall Reunion will be held on September 13th & 14th.  The Fees will be $270.00 including 2019 & 2020 dues.  Fees will include: 14th degree ring or ring in pyramid, Scottish Rite Patent, class picture and the Bridge to Light book plus a good noon meal on Saturday.

The tentative schedule is as follows

Friday, September 13th.
6:00 pm Class reports for registration
7:00 pm 4° Secret Master
7:45 pm 5° Perfect Master
8:30 pm 6° Confidential Secretary
Saturday, September 14th
8:00 am 9° & 10° Elu of the 9 & 15
9:00 am Class Photo
9:15 am 14° Perfect Elu
10:30 am 18° Knight Rose Croix
12:00 pm * Lunch *
12:45 pm 21° Noachite or Prussian Knight
1:30 pm 30° Knight Kadosh
3:00 pm 32° Master of the Royal Secret
4:00 pm Closing of the Temple

** Degree Directors should have their teams here at least 30 minutes before scheduled start times to accommodate any schedule changes and to help set up.



Notices for 2020 Scottish Rite dues will be sent out soon.  These are printed and sent for us by the Supreme Council in Washington, D.C. 
We are asking Perpetual Members, 50-year members and Emeritus Members who do not pay dues to consider making at least a $26 donation to the Valley when you receive your notice.  This will cover the per capita that we have to pay to the Supreme Council for each Valley member whether they pay dues or not.  There is a block on the dues notice for this or other donations shown as Donations to Valley. 
Every member should make sure that your dues are current and when you pay your dues please consider making an additional donation to the Almoner’s Fund and the Scottish Rite Foundation.
If you financial or health problems and paying dues creates a problem for you please contact the Secretary for possible options.


Personal Representative

My Brothers,
Here we are one third of the way through the third quarter of the calendar year.  And what a year it has been.  We had a good Spring Reunion in a bare bones Lodge room but we made it work.  We had a visit at Parker Lodge by our PGM exploring ways to recover from the extreme effects of Hurricane Michael.  Look at us now.  We have the Fall Reunion coming up next month in our Valley so please study your parts.
The Valley is almost restored fully thanks to the efforts of our Brothers and other outside support.  We are also supporting other Lodges and organizations by opening our doors of our Valley for them to meet.
That is what Brothers do!
We look forward to our visitation team going out after the Reunion and enjoy the Masonic life of giving and sharing once again.
I thank every Brother of our Valley for your continued support.  We cannot function without you.
Finally, I am pleased to announce that Illustrious Richard Hoover, Deputy of the Supreme Council in Florida will be visiting us at the September stated meeting. I am hoping for a large turn-out to welcome him to our Valley.
Dean Resch


   Congratulations to the following members of the Panama City Valley who have been elected by the Supreme Council to receive honors this year.  On November 9th Chuck Cluxton, Danny Farmer, Dan Hinz, Joseph Smith and Fred Werner will be invested as
Knights Commander Court of Honour and Archie Maynard will be coroneted as an Inspector
General Honorary 33°.


Dear Brothers:

     After 19 years I have decided not to accept another appointment as General Secretary of the Panama City Valley and am retiring as of August 31, 2019.  I have served during the terms of two Sovereign Grand Commanders, three different S.G.I.G.’s or Deputies of the Supreme Council in Florida and four Valley Personal Representatives.  The time is right for me to retire and be available to do things with my wife, Wanda, as she has supported my Masonic efforts for 40 years.
It has been a distinct honor and privilege to serve the Valley as your Secretary.  I thank each member of the Valley for your support, cooperation and assistance during these years.  I ask that you give the new Secretary the same support you have shown me.
We have a great Valley with wonderful fellowship and the finest Brothers you will find anywhere.  I am not going anywhere and will continue to serve the Valley in other ways.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sam Fischer
General Secretary

E-mail Addresses

   It is more important than ever that we have an
e-mail address for our brothers. Having your email address allows us to send timely information out to you when something changes on our calendar or a new event is scheduled.  We are also going to try and email the regular newsletter out by email to those we have e-mail addresses. This will save the Valley money on printing and postage. 

Update Your Contact Information

We remind you that it is important to update your phone numbers, address and email address with the Secretary. You can update your information by calling the Secretary at 850-763-7144 or emailing the Secretary at [email protected].

You can also go on the Supreme Council web site and click on update member info.

The Mission of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Orient of Florida

Is to be the premier fraternity of men of integrity and good character by providing opportunities for personal growth, leadership skills, education and social interaction based on the values of Friendship, Charity, Patriotism, Tolerance, Integrity and a belief in a Supreme Being.

To that end we commit to making a positive impact on mankind, promoting our community and providing value to the Masonic Fraternity.

Scottish Rite Ladies Association

The Scottish Rite Ladies Association cordially invites any wife of a Scottish Rite member to join us on the 4th Friday of each month with your husband for our covered dish dinner at 6:30 pm and meeting at 7:30 pm. The Valley provides a meat and the ladies bring the side dishes and desserts. 2017 Officers are: President: Wanda Fischer, Vice-President: Helen York, Secretary/Treasurer: Kathy Swindell. Any questions call the Scottish Rite @ 850-763-7144.

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